The story revolves around a poor girl from Thar, Sanjha. Herbrother-in-law, Majeed, sells her to a brothel owner Mumtaz and tells his wife, Nasim, that he has sent Sanjha away to the city to earn a living. Inher innocence,
Sanjha does not realize that she has not been hired as a maid but as a prostitute. Shabo also lives in the brothel
with her twosons, Weeda and Deema. Weeda has a passion for Photography and starts liking Sanjha.
Sanjha does not realize that she has not been hired as a maid but as a prostitute. Shabo also lives in the brothel
with her twosons, Weeda and Deema. Weeda has a passion for Photography and starts liking Sanjha.
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